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Zero-Emissions Standards for HVACs and Water Heaters
Furnaces and water heaters are a leading source of the state’s health-harming nitrogen oxide (NOx) pollution. Learn why Maine should adopt zero-emission standards for new HVAC’s and water heaters.

Ukraine & Nuclear Weapons: Finding a Way Forward
Panel discussion co-hosted by PSR Maine and Veterans for Peace on Ukraine, nuclear risks, and the way forward.

Maine and Nuclear Weapons
There is no cure for a nuclear detonation — only prevention — which is why many of Maine’s health, faith, and other organizations support the Back from the Brink statement. Handout from PSR Maine.

The Climate-Nuclear Nexus
Natural disasters and climate change-induced extreme weather events can have grave implications for nuclear security and safety. Handout from PSR Maine.

Stop the New Nuclear Arms Race
New nuclear weapons do nothing to make the United States more secure. Handout from PSR Maine.

Nuclear Famine: Two Billion People At Risk
Nuclear weapons are a constant threat to our global survival. Handout from PSR Maine.